Using sentinel APIs

Sentinel monitoring exposes a rich set of APIs for user and space management. The current release of sentinel has APIs supporting bare-minimal features and as the features set get richer, so will be the APIs. Below are the list of APIs currently offered by the framework -

  • /v1/api/ - shows list of supported APIs
  • /v1/api/user/ - everything to do with user management
  • /v1/api/space/ - management of monitoring space
  • /v1/api/series/ - management of series with any space
  • /v1/api/key/ - API to retrieve user’s API key if forgotten
  • /v1/api/endpoint - API to retrieve Sentinel’s data interface parameters

Key concepts

Space: Think of it as a collection of metrics belonging to different streams but somehow belonging to the same scope, application or service. A space could be allocated to metrics of smaller services making up a larger application or service.

Series: A series in Sentinel is a stream of metrics coming from the same source.

API return codes at a glance

API endpoint Verb Return codes Comments
/v1/api/ GET 200 ok
    500 service down
/v1/api/user/ POST 201 created
    400 check data
    401 valid admin token needed
    409 user account already exists
    500 system error
/v1/api/user/{id} GET 200 ok
    401 unauthorized
    400 check data
/v1/api/space/ POST 201 created
    400 check data
    401 invalid api key
    409 space already exists for user
    500 system error
/v1/api/series/ POST 201 created
    400 check data
    401 invalid api key
    409 series already exists for user
    500 system error
/v1/api/key/{id} GET 200 ok
    400 no such user exist
    401 invalid password
/v1/api/endpoint GET 200 ok
    401 invalid api key

Header fields at a glance

field key value / interpretations
Content-Type application/json is typical
x-auth-token admin user master token
x-auth-password password associated with user
x-auth-login username or userid
x-auth-apikey api key associated with user

APIs in details

Now that we have all the basic building buildings in place, lets explore each API endpoint in more details. In the following subsections lets assume that the sentinel API service is available at https://localhost:9000/. Also API example will be provided as a valid cURL command.

/v1/api/ GET

This API allows a quick check on the health status, if the service is alive a 200 status code is returned along with a list of supported API endpoints.

curl -X GET https://localhost:9000/v1/api/

The response is similar to one shown below -

   "endpoint": "/v1/api/",
   "method": "GET",
   "description": "get list of all supported APIs",
   "contentType": "application/json"
   "endpoint": "/v1/api/user/",
   "method": "POST",
   "description": "add a new user ",
   "contentType": "application/json"
   "endpoint": "/v1/api/user/{id}",
   "method": "GET",
   "description": "retrieve info about existing user",
   "contentType": "application/json"
   "endpoint": "/v1/api/space/",
   "method": "POST",
   "description": "register a new monitored space",
   "contentType": "application/json"
   "endpoint": "/v1/api/series/",
   "method": "POST",
   "description": "register a new series within a space",
   "contentType": "application/json"
   "endpoint": "/v1/api/key/{id}",
   "method": "GET",
   "description": "retrieve the api-key for an user",
   "contentType": "application/json"
   "endpoint": "/v1/api/endpoint",
   "method": "GET",
   "description": "retrieve the agent's connection endpoint parameters",
   "contentType": "application/json"

The output above is representative, and the actual API supported by sentinel varied during the time of writing of this document.

/v1/api/user/ POST

Use this API to create a new user of sentinel. User account creation is an admin priviledged operation and the admin-token is required as header for the call to be executed successfully.

curl -X POST https://localhost:9000/v1/api/user/ --header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "x-auth-token: <admin-token>" -d '{"login":"username", "password":"some-password"}'

If the user already exists, you will get a 409 Conflict status response back. An example response upon successful creation of an account looks as shown below, the actual value is for representation purposes only -

  "login": "username",
  "apiKey": "b6af63b9-f699-4259-8548-2a60e0d88661",
  "id": 2,
  "accessUrl": "/api/user/2"

The apiKey and id values should be saved as they are needed in some of the management API requests as you will see later.

/v1/api/user/{id} GET

Use this API to retrieve the complete information about an user account, the monitoring spaces and series info included. A valid api-key needs to be provided as a header field while making this call.

curl -X GET https://localhost:9000/v1/api/user/{id} --header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "x-auth-apikey: valid-api-key"

If the call succeeds then the complete details of the account is returned back. A sample value returned is shown next.

  "apiKey": "f3549958-8884-4649-9661-8ca338dfe141",
  "id": 1,
  "accessUrl": "/api/user/1",
  "spaces": [
          "id": 1,
          "accessUrl": "/api/space/1",
          "topicName": "user-1-cyclops",
          "name": "cyclops",
          "seriesList": [
                  "id": 1,
                  "accessUrl": "/api/series/1",
                  "name": "app-logs",
                  "msgFormat": "unixtime:s msgtype:json"
          "dataDashboardUrl": "http://localhost:8083/",
          "dataDashboardUser": "user1cyclops",
          "dataDashboardPassword": "qkDaFQ8gJEokApS6"

/v1/api/space/ POST

Use this API to create a new monitored space for a given user account in sentinel. A matching username and the api-key needs to be provided as header fields. The body just contains the name of the space that one wishes to create.

curl -X POST https://localhost:9000/v1/api/space/ --header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "x-auth-login: username" --header "x-auth-apikey: some-api-key"
-d '{"name":"space-name"}'

If the call is successful, the space id is returned back as confirmation. A sample response is shown next.

  "id": 3,
  "accessUrl": "/api/space/3",
  "topicName": "user-1-new-space",
  "name": "new-space",
  "dataDashboardUrl": "http://localhost:8083/",
  "dataDashboardUser": "user1new-space",
  "dataDashboardPassword": "GeMHPDUwKc5621ZI"

/v1/api/series/ POST

A space by itself does not handle data streams, it is a container and needs a series to be defined before the metrics sent to it can be persisted and analyzed later. This API allows creation of a series within an existing space. The msgSignature allows sentinel to parse the incoming messages properly.

If the message being sent into sentinel is a single level JSON string, the unixtime:s msgtype:json value is sufficient.

curl -X POST https://localhost:9000/v1/api/series/ --header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "x-auth-login: username" --header "x-auth-apikey: some-api-key"
-d '{"name":"series-name", "spaceName":"parent-space-name", "msgSignature":"msg-signature"}'

If the call is successful, a series id is returned. An example response block is shown for completeness.

  "id": 2,
  "accessUrl": "/api/series/2",
  "name": "some-app-logs"

/v1/api/key/{id} GET

One can use this API if there is a need to retrieve the user api-key. The username should be a registered account and the some-password header field should be the matching password for this account.

curl -X GET https://localhost:9000/v1/api/key/{username}
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "x-auth-password: some-password"

If the call is successful, the API-key is returned. A sample response is shown next.

  "apiKey": "f3549958-8884-4649-9661-8ca338dfe141",
  "id": 1,
  "accessUrl": "/api/user/1"

/v1/api/endpoint GET

This API call can be used to retrieve the connection parameters for the sentinel agents to send data streams to. The call is available only to registered accounts, therefore a valid username and api-key needs to be supplied as header fields.

curl -X GET https://localhost:9000/v1/api/endpoint --header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "x-auth-login: username" --header "x-auth-apikey: some-api-key"

If the call succeeds, the parameter block is returned that can be used to properly configure the sentinel agents. A sample response is shown next.

  "endpoint": "kafka:9092",
  "keySerializer": "StringSerializer",
  "valueSerializer": "StringSerializer"